Monday, April 14, 2014

From The "Someone Couldn't Afford Their Abilify" File

An actual comment just zapped to the email box. Completely unedited.

All pharmacists r murderers plain as that the antidepressants the barium drinks for upper and lower gi they know what's in that stuff they r like the nazis just following orders i call them murderers to thier faces traitors to humanity the nerve of killers acting like birth control is the issue also old dictionary says its witchcraft

I want a copy of that old dictionary. I have a feeling the way to get it involves eating mushrooms or something though.


Christine said...

Someone should talk to this person about punctuation. It's amazing what punctuation adds to your credibility! I mean, it wouldn't help much in this case, but still. Protip!

Anonymous said...

Maybe there's a few extra words in there, plus several that are missing, and all of the words left at the inbox seem to have been left in an indiscriminately odd and somewhat unintelligible order. Though I do get that the pharmacist is yelled at either silently or not for something. Does it matter? If it involves barium, what goes in has to come out on way or another.

Alice said...

Maybe he knows you by your former name? Always fun to guess: drugs - too much or not enough?
(I'm waiting for someone to chime in with a "Hey I saw that guy! He called me a lower-GI-murdering-witch-traitor! Then complained about how long it was taking to fill his risperdal so I figured I'd give him some barium while he waited.)